My why?
I was the only grandchild for the first 16 years of my life. And yes, I was spoiled (no judgement please!). My grandma suffered a long battle with Alzheimer's disease. My family had no knowledge on how to navigate the healthcare system to support her.  Every family should.    

My other why?
YOU!  You want to grow in your career.  You want a successful business. I want to empower you to do so.  Grab a cup of coffee and let's get to it!

My wheelhouse? 
I help business owners, sales professionals, and budding entrepreneurs in the Senior Living industry develop sales and marketing strategies to increase occupancy while crushing their financial goals. I love what I do.  I want to share it with YOU!  
My mission?
To attract, prepare, educate and support professionals in the Services for the Aging industry.  


let's talk

Frustrated with the limited information available to market your senior living community? 
Let me show you how to increase referrals, occupancy, and most importantly revenue!

beach lover,
certified foodie,
HGTV addict

"Not all those who wander are lost."  The quote by J.R.R. Tolkien is one of my favs.  When I read it for the first time, it reminded me of a conversation with my resident who was in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.  She pulled me aside one day and said, "I know something is happening up here (pointing to her head), but I am watching everyone. I see everything."  It made me think.  Everyone needs an advocate.  Someone to say, "Let me show you the way!" 

My hand is raised over here!  Ready to share...

Hi friends,I'm Tiffany.

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KIND WORDS from lovely folks


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